class DockerCredentialHelper < Formula desc "macOS Credential Helper for Docker" homepage "" url "" sha256 "897172aaec4976172c385f04c8bd8d3e9a321ef264ca78dec39b852d386e4071" head "" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "45857cfeb3a6dae0eab38e6ab95f97d81aed153d8557f056206d34367dad717a" => :mojave sha256 "b6d991d3b84792ec89e89a0fdc992667eff802c8d3d166f203b11014ec91592a" => :high_sierra sha256 "ea187fef2e07f44c1e58e9f6467e721435340b12a5e8b3ff321bb3a6ab0203e5" => :sierra end depends_on "go" => :build def install ENV["GOPATH"] = buildpath dir = buildpath/"src/" dir.install buildpath.children - [buildpath/".brew_home"] cd dir do system "make", "vet_osx" system "make", "osxkeychain" bin.install "bin/docker-credential-osxkeychain" prefix.install_metafiles end end test do # A more complex test isn't possible as this tool operates using the macOS # user keychain (incompatible with CI). run_output = shell_output("#{bin}/docker-credential-osxkeychain", 1) assert_match %r{^Usage: .*/docker-credential-osxkeychain.*}, run_output end end