class Luabind < Formula desc "Library for bindings between C++ and Lua" homepage "" url "" sha256 "80de5e04918678dd8e6dac3b22a34b3247f74bf744c719bae21faaa49649aaae" revision 2 bottle do cellar :any sha256 "39e74593d47fd648230e177e9a8a90e1b3a888c84d6c7d38f358265d5b93ce94" => :sierra sha256 "914a79679264790d9ffb0726a1f303954d816da3dd23db3b8816873cf467677f" => :el_capitan sha256 "171123f48a6cf2431d6b143b84bf31dbb955f103195aa30597a61b7a61943982" => :yosemite end depends_on "boost-build" => :build depends_on "lua@5.1" depends_on "boost" # boost 1.57 compatibility # # patch do url "" sha256 "f22a283752994e821922316a5ef3cbb16f7bbe15fc64d97c02325ed4aaa53985" end # patch Jamroot to perform lookup for shared objects with .dylib suffix patch do url "" sha256 "bc06d76069d08af4dc55a102f963931a0247173a36ad0ae43e11d82b23f8d2b3" end # apply upstream commit to enable building with clang patch do url "" sha256 "d04cbe7e5ed732943b1caf547321ac81b1db49271a5956a5f218905016c8900e" end # include C header that is not pulled in automatically on OS X 10.9 anymore # submitted if MacOS.version >= :mavericks patch do url "" sha256 "2fef524ac5e319d7092fbb28f6d4e3d3eccd6a570e7789a9b5b0c9a25e714523" end end def install ENV["LUA_PATH"] = Formula["lua@5.1"].opt_prefix args = %w[release install] if ENV.compiler == :clang args << "--toolset=clang" elsif ENV.compiler == :gcc args << "--toolset=darwin" end args << "--prefix=#{prefix}" system "bjam", *args (lib/"pkgconfig/luabind.pc").write pc_file end def pc_file; <<-EOS.undent prefix=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX} exec_prefix=${prefix} libdir=${exec_prefix}/lib includedir=${exec_prefix}/include Name: luabind Description: Library for bindings between C++ and Lua Version: 0.9.1 Libs: -L${libdir} -lluabind Cflags: -I${includedir} EOS end test do (testpath/"hello.cpp").write <<-EOS.undent extern "C" { #include } #include #include void greet() { std::cout << "hello world!\\n"; } extern "C" int init(lua_State* L) { using namespace luabind; open(L); module(L) [ def("greet", &greet) ]; return 0; } EOS system ENV.cxx, "-shared", "-o", "hello.dylib", "-I#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/include/lua-5.1", testpath/"hello.cpp", "-lluabind", "-llua5.1" assert_match /hello world!/, `lua5.1 -e "package.loadlib('#{testpath}/hello.dylib', 'init')(); greet()"` end end