class Trr < Formula homepage "" url "" sha256 "6bac2f947839cebde626cdaab0c0879de8f6f6e40bfd7a14ccdfe1a035a3bcc6" version "" depends_on "apel" depends_on "nkf" => :build def install system "make", "clean" cp Dir["#{Formula["apel"].share}/emacs/site-lisp/*"], buildpath # The file "CONTENTS" is firstly encoded to EUC-JP. # This encodes it to UTF-8 to avoid garbled characters. system "nkf", "-w", "--overwrite", "#{buildpath}/CONTENTS" # wrong text filename inreplace "#{buildpath}/CONTENTS", "EmacsLisp", "Elisp_programs" system "make", "clean" cp Dir["#{Formula["apel"].share}/emacs/site-lisp/*.elc"], buildpath # texts for playing trr texts = "The_Constitution_Of_JAPAN Constitution_of_the_USA Iccad_90 C_programs Elisp_programs Java_programs Ocaml_programs Python_programs" inreplace "#{buildpath}/Makefile", "japanese = t", "japanese = nil" system "make", "all", "LISPDIR=#{share}/emacs/site-lisp", "TRRDIR=#{prefix}", "INFODIR=#{info}", "BINDIR=#{bin}", "TEXTS=#{texts}" system "make", "install", "LISPDIR=#{share}/emacs/site-lisp", "TRRDIR=#{prefix}", "INFODIR=#{info}", "BINDIR=#{bin}", "TEXTS=#{texts}" cp Dir["record/*"], "#{prefix}/record/" end def caveats; <<-EOF.undent Please add below lines to your emacs configuration file. (ex. ~/emacs.d/init.el) (add-to-list 'load-path "#{Formula["apel"].share}/emacs/site-lisp") (add-to-list 'load-path "#{share}/emacs/site-lisp") (autoload 'trr "#{share}/emacs/site-lisp/trr" nil t) EOF end test do program = testpath/"test-trr.el" program.write <<-EOS.undent (add-to-list 'load-path "#{Formula["apel"].share}/emacs/site-lisp") (add-to-list 'load-path "#{share}/emacs/site-lisp") (require 'trr) (print (TRR:trainer-menu-buffer)) EOS assert_equal "\"Type & Menu\"", shell_output("emacs -batch -l #{program}").strip end end