require 'formula' class Liquidprompt < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 '04f2c5b9d01908ed0f2e71df53aba73a72630a43' def install (share+'liquidprompt').install 'liquidpromptrc-dist' bin.install 'liquidprompt' end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent Add the following lines to your bash or zsh config (e.g. ~/.bash_profile): if [ -f $(brew --prefix)/bin/liquidprompt ]; then . $(brew --prefix)/bin/liquidprompt fi If you'd like to reconfigure options, you may do so in ~/.liquidpromptrc. A sample file you may copy and modify has been installed to #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/liquidprompt/liquidpromptrc-dist Don't modify the PROMPT_COMMAND variable elsewhere in your shell config; that will break things. EOS end end