class TomcatAT6 < Formula desc "Implementation of Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages" homepage "" url "" sha256 "8fe88622ba099110a5f6b85856af262a55f79e31700525fe0d2e961433b3a6b9" bottle :unneeded keg_only :versioned_formula option "with-fulldocs", "Install full documentation locally" depends_on :java resource "fulldocs" do url "" version "6.0.51" sha256 "e55e70d17f0a648c268afb83787f0f8714aabf3800c22b4c8157774a08a37d44" end def install rm_rf Dir["bin/*.{cmd,bat]}"] libexec.install Dir["*"] (libexec+"logs").mkpath bin.mkpath Dir["#{libexec}/bin/*.sh"].each { |f| ln_s f, bin } (share/"fulldocs").install resource("fulldocs") if build.with? "fulldocs" end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent Some of the support scripts used by Tomcat have very generic names. These are likely to conflict with support scripts used by other Java-based server software. You can add #{bin} to your PATH instead. EOS end test do ENV["CATALINA_BASE"] = testpath cp_r Dir["#{libexec}/*"], testpath rm Dir["#{libexec}/logs/*"] pid = fork do exec bin/"", "start" end sleep 3 begin system bin/"", "stop" ensure Process.wait pid end File.exist? testpath/"logs/catalina.out" end end