require 'formula' class Libplist < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 'a642bb37eaa4bec428d0b2a4fa8399d80ee73a18' head '' # Improve the default option descr. generated by `depends_on :python => :optional` option 'with-python', 'Enable Cython Python bindings' depends_on 'cmake' => :build depends_on :python => :optional depends_on 'Cython' => :python if build.with? 'python' def patches # Upstream patch for compilation on 10.9 "" end def install ENV.deparallelize # make fails on an 8-core Mac Pro args = std_cmake_args # Disable Swig Python bindings args << "-DENABLE_SWIG='OFF'" if python do # For Xcode-only systems, the headers of system's python are inside of Xcode: args << "-DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR='#{python.incdir}'" # Cmake picks up the system's python dylib, even if we have a brewed one: args << "-DPYTHON_LIBRARY='#{python.libdir}/lib#{python.xy}.dylib'" end; else # Also disable Cython Python bindings if we're not building --with-python args << "-DENABLE_CYTHON='OFF'" end system "cmake", ".", "-DCMAKE_INSTALL_NAME_DIR=#{lib}", *args system "make install" end def caveats python.standard_caveats if python end end