class Tass64 < Formula desc "Multi pass optimizing macro assembler for the 65xx series of processors" homepage "" url "" sha256 "5bf28dfcc7631a20a3ed7e308a50fe219d8a6417ad59d1d1162836ec3a1506ee" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "7c519f6bca815c5ef0726a59b7c6bef323a3ab9c62af8339e52bec41784d402f" => :catalina sha256 "a50a7694850bb4da92edf5aa79e509935ae16951f1e362c31ffe22f2c15e9858" => :mojave sha256 "db03b63e4f453c52de9b9b22c9596e8f3b45b71c1fcab8a039a71def6186906f" => :high_sierra sha256 "ec0c831022ccc4446820bc73076dbb3c1f17c80cdcb3af8c21a62b801f27561b" => :sierra end def install system "make", "install", "CPPFLAGS=-D_XOPEN_SOURCE", "prefix=#{prefix}" # `make install` does not install syntax highlighting defintions pkgshare.install "syntax" end test do (testpath/"hello.asm").write <<~'EOS' ;; Simple "Hello World" program for C64 *=$c000 LDY #$00 L0 LDA L1,Y CMP #0 BEQ L2 JSR $FFD2 INY JMP L0 L1 .text "HELLO WORLD",0 L2 RTS EOS system "#{bin}/64tass", "-a", "hello.asm", "-o", "hello.prg" assert_predicate testpath/"hello.prg", :exist? end end