require 'formula' <<-COMMENTS Versions -------- This formula is currently tracking version 2.7.x. Python 3.x is available as a separate formula: brew install python3 Options ------- There are a few options for customzing the build. --universal: Builds combined 32-/64-bit Intel binaries. --framework: Builds a "Framework" version of Python. --static: Builds static instead of shared libraries. site-packages ------------- The "site-packages" folder lives in the Cellar, under the "lib" folder for normal builds, and under the "Frameworks" folder for Framework builds. A .pth file is added to the Cellar site-packages that adds the corresponding HOMEBREW_PREFIX folder (/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages by default) to sys.path. Note that this alternate folder doesn't itself support .pth files. pip / distribute ---------------- The pip (and distribute) formulae in Homebrew are designed only to work against a Homebrew-installed Python, though they provide links for manually installing against a custom Python. pip and distribute are installed directly into the Cellar site-packages, since they need to install to a place that supports .pth files. The pip & distribute formuale use the "site_packages" method defined here to get the appropriate site-packages path. COMMENTS # Was a Framework build requested? def build_framework?; ARGV.include? '--framework'; end # Are we installed or installing as a Framework? def as_framework? (self.installed? and File.exists? prefix+"Frameworks/Python.framework") or build_framework? end class Python :optional # Prefer over OS X's libedit depends_on 'sqlite' => :optional # Prefer over OS X's older version depends_on 'gdbm' => :optional def options [ ["--framework", "Do a 'Framework' build instead of a UNIX-style build."], ["--universal", "Build for both 32 & 64 bit Intel."], ["--static", "Build static libraries."] ] end # Skip binaries so modules will load; skip lib because it is mostly Python files skip_clean ['bin', 'lib'] def site_packages # The Cellar location of site-packages if as_framework? # If we're installed or installing as a Framework, then use that location. return prefix+"Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages" else # Otherwise use just 'lib' return lib+"python2.7/site-packages" end end def exec_prefix if as_framework? # If we're installed or installing as a Framework, then use that location. return prefix+"Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin" else # Otherwise just use 'bin' return bin end end def prefix_site_packages # The HOMEBREW_PREFIX location of site-packages HOMEBREW_PREFIX+"lib/python2.7/site-packages" end def validate_options if build_framework? and ARGV.include? "--static" onoe "Cannot specify both framework and static." exit 99 end end def install validate_options args = ["--prefix=#{prefix}"] if ARGV.include? '--universal' args << "--enable-universalsdk=/" << "--with-universal-archs=intel" end if build_framework? args << "--enable-framework=#{prefix}/Frameworks" else args << "--enable-shared" unless ARGV.include? '--static' end # allow sqlite3 module to load extensions inreplace "", 'sqlite_defines.append(("SQLITE_OMIT_LOAD_EXTENSION", "1"))', '#sqlite_defines.append(("SQLITE_OMIT_LOAD_EXTENSION", "1"))' system "./configure", *args system "make" ENV.j1 # Installs must be serialized system "make install" # Add the Homebrew prefix path to site-packages via a .pth prefix_site_packages.mkpath (site_packages+"homebrew.pth").write prefix_site_packages end def caveats framework_caveats = <<-EOS.undent Framework Python was installed to: #{prefix}/Frameworks/Python.framework You may want to symlink this Framework to a standard OS X location, such as: mkdir ~/Frameworks ln -s "#{prefix}/Frameworks/Python.framework" ~/Frameworks EOS site_caveats = <<-EOS.undent The site-packages folder for this Python is: #{site_packages} We've added a "homebrew.pth" file to also include: #{prefix_site_packages} EOS general_caveats = <<-EOS.undent You may want to create a "virtual environment" using this Python as a base so you can manage multiple independent site-packages. See: If you install Python packages via pip, binaries will be installed under Python's cellar but not automatically linked into the Homebrew prefix. You may want to add Python's bin folder to your PATH as well: #{exec_prefix} EOS s = site_caveats+general_caveats s = framework_caveats + s if as_framework? return s end end