class Platypus < Formula desc "Create OS X applications from {Perl,Ruby,sh,Python} scripts" homepage "" url "" version "5.1" sha256 "7ff3a5e7c5a01603855e3294763d5603b90f8cfa100670771abc1097fd85fc7a" head "" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "7f1bcf04cdef0489799810a228697d144f5516df8a6e3145b6b0cdfb51acac3b" => :el_capitan sha256 "db54229624888569c9a9e5356e1a91ee141b96a257cab6f3230880938faf6d7f" => :yosemite end depends_on :xcode => ["7.0", :build] def install xcodebuild "SYMROOT=build", "DSTROOT=#{buildpath}", "-project", "Platypus.xcodeproj", "-target", "platypus", "-target", "ScriptExec", "clean", "install" man1.install "CommandLineTool/man/platypus.1" cd buildpath bin.install "platypus_clt" => "platypus" cd "build/UninstalledProducts/macosx/" do (share/"platypus").install "Resources/MainMenu.nib", "MacOS/ScriptExec" end end test do system "#{bin}/platypus", "-v" end def caveats <<-EOS.undent This formula only installs the command-line Platypus tool, not the GUI. If you want the GUI, download the app from the project's Web page directly. EOS end end