class Jrnl < Formula desc "Command-line note taker" homepage "" url "" sha256 "789de4bffe0c22911a4968e525feeb20a6c7c4f4fe762a936ce2dac2213cd855" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation revision 2 sha256 "c7cbd9c2eeaa34510b936fa44e58da8239475e96582a4efdd2d5d57cd170432a" => :el_capitan sha256 "157caf5eecbc9feaead712675e575c8c2414ee2fdc54fe062cd849cc83033aeb" => :yosemite sha256 "2d7764d897c93c87ad3bc36595118e0adef3e275912c5126b5c63574c689a624" => :mavericks end include Language::Python::Virtualenv depends_on :python if MacOS.version <= :snow_leopard resource "pycrypto" do url "" sha256 "f2ce1e989b272cfcb677616763e0a2e7ec659effa67a88aa92b3a65528f60a3c" end resource "keyring" do url "" sha256 "5c6cc42902c2135e4cb674b9108fc7a9ddb9550466dc332640ca89034984f7c2" end resource "parsedatetime" do url "" sha256 "17c578775520c99131634e09cfca5a05ea9e1bd2a05cd06967ebece10df7af2d" end resource "python-dateutil" do url "" sha256 "6f197348b46fb8cdf9f3fcfc2a7d5a97da95db3e2e8667cf657216274fe1b009" end resource "pytz" do url "" sha256 "ee7c751544e35a7b7fb5e3fb25a49dade37d51e70a93e5107f10575d7102c311" end resource "six" do url "" sha256 "105f8d68616f8248e24bf0e9372ef04d3cc10104f1980f54d57b2ce73a5ad56a" end resource "tzlocal" do url "" sha256 "cbbaa4e9d25c36386f12af9febe315139fdd39317b91abcb42d782a5e93e525d" end def install virtualenv_install_with_resources end test do (testpath/"").write <<-EOS.undent #!/usr/bin/expect -f set timeout -1 spawn #{bin}/jrnl today: Wrote this fancy test. expect -exact "Path to your journal file (leave blank for ~/journal.txt):" send -- "#{testpath}/journal\n" expect -exact "Enter password for journal (leave blank for no encryption): " send -- "Homebrew\n" expect "Do you want to store the password in your keychain?" send -- "N\n" expect -exact "Journal will be encrypted." expect "Entry added to default journal" expect eof EOS chmod 0755, testpath/"" system "./" assert File.exist?("journal") assert File.exist?(".jrnl_config") end end