class SyncGateway < Formula desc "Make Couchbase Server a replication endpoint for Couchbase Lite" homepage "" url "", :tag => "1.3.1", :revision => "660b1c92fadce1a9c7e692dfe7c5b741772d1dd2" head "" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "dd315bdb4dda4fa27872982e72d77015797074e3962e6953c45670737ad130f0" => :high_sierra sha256 "6146d1292fb02687ed738bbd8bf5e265d1b55462caf15914d056202236cecf16" => :sierra sha256 "d9db8238a572c9b27cfa9b986c7ee06af922da0fad68882d177e270d6f2b5637" => :el_capitan sha256 "35a9b9ff4fe60cc0504cac69ba38b16031ca76eb4fe63938f1a2f5379c34baa5" => :yosemite end depends_on "go" => :build depends_on :gpg => :build resource "depot_tools" do url "", :revision => "935b93fb9bf367510eece7db8ee3e383b101c36d" end def install # Cache the vendored Go dependencies gathered by depot_tools' `repo` command repo_cache = HOMEBREW_CACHE/"repo_cache/#{name}/.repo" repo_cache.mkpath # Remove for > 1.3.1 # Backports from HEAD the upgrade from Git protocol to https # See inreplace "manifest/default.xml", "git://", "https://" unless build.head? (buildpath/"depot_tools").install resource("depot_tools") ENV.prepend_path "PATH", buildpath/"depot_tools" (buildpath/"build").install_symlink repo_cache cp Dir["*.sh"], "build" git_commit = `git rev-parse HEAD`.chomp manifest = buildpath/"new-manifest.xml" manifest.write Utils.popen_read "python", "", "--manifest-url", "file://#{buildpath}/manifest/default.xml", "--project-name", "sync_gateway", "--set-revision", git_commit cd "build" do mkdir "godeps" system "repo", "init", "-u", stable.url, "-m", "manifest/default.xml" cp manifest, ".repo/manifest.xml" system "repo", "sync" system "sh", "", "-v" mv "godeps/bin", prefix end end test do pid = fork { exec "#{bin}/sync_gateway" } sleep 1 Process.kill("SIGINT", pid) Process.wait(pid) end end