class Ballerina < Formula desc "The flexible, powerful and beautiful programming language" homepage "" url "" sha256 "be7d039c42e8882572f58c1f67e8dbf6e3c4ca719190a4e7da1405dd595ca66b" bottle :unneeded depends_on :java => "1.8" def install # Remove Windows files rm Dir["bin/*.bat"] chmod 0755, "bin/ballerina" inreplace ["bin/ballerina"] do |s| s.gsub! /^BALLERINA_HOME=.*$/, "BALLERINA_HOME=#{libexec}" s.gsub! /\r?/, "" end bin.install "bin/ballerina" libexec.install Dir["*"] # Add symlinks for the Language Server prefix.install_symlink libexec/"bre" prefix.install_symlink libexec/"lib" bin.env_script_all_files(libexec/"bin", Language::Java.java_home_env("1.8")) end test do (testpath/"helloWorld.bal").write <<~EOS import ballerina/io; public function main(string... args) { io:println("Hello, World!"); } EOS output = shell_output("#{bin}/ballerina run helloWorld.bal") assert_equal "Hello, World!", output.chomp end end