class Nim < Formula desc "Statically typed compiled systems programming language" homepage "" url "" sha256 "034817cc4dec86b7099bcf3e79e9e38842b50212b2fd96cd741fe90855a7e0dd" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "f1103b3ea8487bdb70cdd722d422d685a2653fbdb300992c680970ad60c91468" => :mojave sha256 "a7252c17df0988a82d3930a875b565c2efa7a2e0780b4272da4785b5c7c892d8" => :high_sierra sha256 "e97874d77cbe882ad4fc71dc6c324fb3ffcbca3040a4aa1e21d6558d7185f596" => :sierra end head do url "", :branch => "devel" resource "csources" do url "" end end def install if build.head? resource("csources").stage do system "/bin/sh", "" (buildpath/"bin").install "bin/nim" end else system "/bin/sh", "" end # Compile the koch management tool system "bin/nim", "c", "-d:release", "koch" # Build a new version of the compiler with readline bindings system "./koch", "boot", "-d:release", "-d:useLinenoise" # Build nimble/nimgrep/nimpretty/nimsuggest system "./koch", "tools" system "./koch", "geninstall" system "/bin/sh", "", prefix target = prefix/"nim/bin" bin.install_symlink target/"nim" tools = %w[nimble nimgrep nimpretty nimsuggest] tools.each do |t| target.install buildpath/"bin"/t bin.install_symlink target/t end end test do (testpath/"hello.nim").write <<~EOS echo("hello") EOS assert_equal "hello", shell_output("#{bin}/nim compile --verbosity:0 --run #{testpath}/hello.nim").chomp (testpath/"hello.nimble").write <<~EOS version = "0.1.0" author = "Author Name" description = "A test nimble package" license = "MIT" requires "nim >= 0.15.0" EOS assert_equal "name: \"hello\"\n", shell_output("#{bin}/nimble dump").lines.first end end