require 'formula' class Xcproj < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 '624ae9349b6c4eaa66d1b57bdd4038548c83c30c' head '' depends_on :macos => :mountain_lion depends_on :xcode def install system 'xcodebuild', "-project", "xcproj.xcodeproj", "-scheme", "xcproj", "SYMROOT=build", "DSTROOT=#{prefix}", "INSTALL_PATH=/bin", "-verbose", "install" end def caveats <<-EOS.undent The xcproj binary is bound to the Xcode version that compiled it. If you delete, move or rename the Xcode version that compiled the binary, xcproj will fail with the following error: DVTFoundation.framework not found. It probably means that you have deleted, moved or renamed the Xcode copy that compiled `xcproj`. Simply recompiling `xcproj` should fix this problem. In which case you will have to remove and rebuild the installed xcproj version. EOS end end