class VimAT74 < Formula desc "Vi 'workalike' with many additional features" homepage "" url "" sha256 "a9ae4031ccd73cc60e771e8bf9b3c8b7f10f63a67efce7f61cd694cd8d7cda5c" revision 17 bottle do sha256 "3c2de6f34efcc6f54ae4a167b84526d7958589e18d8314ca90e4b214dc3672b6" => :mojave sha256 "55991820871d5bb35c3377c418bb8905ec089827fbaeb9d2f26fc57f823f88d5" => :high_sierra sha256 "d325fa9c00688f90773d737c54cc2e2ff0eb0eba41c7d4ad625af863b0e4d2d0" => :sierra end keg_only :versioned_formula depends_on "lua" depends_on "perl" depends_on "python" depends_on "ruby" # Python 3.7 compat # Equivalent to upstream commit 24 Mar 2018 "patch 8.0.1635: undefining # _POSIX_THREADS causes problems with Python 3" # See patch :DATA def install ENV.prepend_path "PATH", Formula["python"].opt_libexec/"bin" # ENV.delete("SDKROOT") ENV["LUA_PREFIX"] = HOMEBREW_PREFIX if build.with?("lua") || build.with?("luajit") # vim doesn't require any Python package, unset PYTHONPATH. ENV.delete("PYTHONPATH") # We specify HOMEBREW_PREFIX as the prefix to make vim look in the # the right place (HOMEBREW_PREFIX/share/vim/{vimrc,vimfiles}) for # system vimscript files. We specify the normal installation prefix # when calling "make install". # Homebrew will use the first suitable Perl & Ruby in your PATH if you # build from source. Please don't attempt to hardcode either. system "./configure", "--prefix=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}", "--mandir=#{man}", "--enable-multibyte", "--with-tlib=ncurses", "--enable-cscope", "--with-compiledby=Homebrew", "--enable-perlinterp", "--enable-rubyinterp", "--enable-python3interp", "--enable-gui=no", "--without-x", "--enable-luainterp", "--with-lua-prefix=#{Formula["lua"].opt_prefix}" system "make" # Parallel install could miss some symlinks # ENV.deparallelize # If stripping the binaries is enabled, vim will segfault with # statically-linked interpreters like ruby # system "make", "install", "prefix=#{prefix}", "STRIP=#{which "true"}" bin.install_symlink "vim" => "vi" if build.with? "override-system-vi" end test do if build.with? "python@2" (testpath/"commands.vim").write <<~EOS :python import vim; vim.current.buffer[0] = 'hello world' :wq EOS system bin/"vim", "-T", "dumb", "-s", "commands.vim", "test.txt" assert_equal "hello world","test.txt").chomp elsif build.with? "python" (testpath/"commands.vim").write <<~EOS :python3 import vim; vim.current.buffer[0] = 'hello python3' :wq EOS system bin/"vim", "-T", "dumb", "-s", "commands.vim", "test.txt" assert_equal "hello python3","test.txt").chomp end end end __END__ diff --git a/src/if_python3.c b/src/if_python3.c index 02d913492c..59c115dd8d 100644 --- a/src/if_python3.c +++ b/src/if_python3.c @@ -34,11 +34,6 @@ #include -/* Python.h defines _POSIX_THREADS itself (if needed) */ -#ifdef _POSIX_THREADS -# undef _POSIX_THREADS -#endif - #if defined(_WIN32) && defined(HAVE_FCNTL_H) # undef HAVE_FCNTL_H #endif