class Graphite2 < Formula desc "Smart font renderer for non-Roman scripts" homepage "" revision 1 head "" stable do url "" # Debian mirror the release tarball, not the GitHub archive tarball. mirror "" sha256 "ec0185b663059553fd46e8c4a4f0dede60a02f13a7a1fefc2ce70332ea814567" # Patch for CVE-2017-5436. # patch do url "" sha256 "39613db98f959b48adc2387d37a5f384566172b906d949edad452fcd48c3874c" end end bottle do cellar :any sha256 "dfca853f8ad5b826227e2f5d6dbb0de177e4e4226d255b856c3501fda09dbf3d" => :sierra sha256 "271745aed3d0fdf8ded9037df02a404fa883060e7bc46c7c2b9d6f8cbb1022b4" => :el_capitan sha256 "325c033b1fd5934ef36735ec2b5ca4c33dd832e80ac09d1164b429e86d71114f" => :yosemite end depends_on "cmake" => :build resource "testfont" do url "" sha256 "7e573896bbb40088b3a8490f83d6828fb0fd0920ac4ccdfdd7edb804e852186a" end def install system "cmake", *std_cmake_args system "make", "install" end test do resource("testfont").stage do shape = shell_output("#{bin}/gr2fonttest Simple-Graphite-Font.ttf 'abcde'") assert_match /67.*36.*37.*38.*71/m, shape end end end