require "language/node" class Heroku < Formula desc "Command-line client for the cloud PaaS" homepage "" # heroku should only be updated every 10 releases on multiples of 10 url "" sha256 "c0b07034e3b1d458d9ac74579d5c35a6adc6530e7145212cef1579d5595a883b" head "" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "71abf71f556dab06bec160f71bd8ef992c2fe7bae209ad7258c3335efe281dea" => :high_sierra sha256 "b26dd90e75cfbae5c32fb25f80a42a9261dfe60e9c3725637c7a703c7ed7a4e1" => :sierra sha256 "808af2964b70ba829c6426bd6e86e90b9bf1bbcdd736ba6f02de10b36524f586" => :el_capitan end depends_on "node" def install # disable migrator inreplace "lib/hooks/update/brew.js", "if (this.config.platform !== 'darwin')", "if (true)" # disable outdated check inreplace "package.json", /.*plugin-warn-if-update-available.*$\n/, "" # replace `heroku update` messaging inreplace "bin/run", "npm update -g heroku", "brew upgrade heroku" inreplace "bin/run", "#!/usr/bin/env node", "#!#{Formula["node"].opt_bin}/node" system "npm", "install", *Language::Node.std_npm_install_args(libexec) bin.install_symlink Dir["#{libexec}/bin/*"] end test do system bin/"heroku", "version" end end