class Mupdf < Formula desc "Lightweight PDF and XPS viewer" homepage "" url "" sha256 "565036cf7f140139c3033f0934b72e1885ac7e881994b7919e15d7bee3f8ac4e" head "" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "6cb774dd8ded94ffd17aef311157a9cfcec3952eacd87bdbf8e3c3475fd7b6c8" => :mojave sha256 "4b9193501ccd098036558168b3c587e1d82cb6b094817f783708938195793cbd" => :high_sierra sha256 "2ba0dee72242bc80ef22288dc6fe3df890d262cb4b36c808ee9a529111f098e5" => :sierra end depends_on "openssl" depends_on :x11 conflicts_with "mupdf-tools", :because => "mupdf and mupdf-tools install the same binaries." def install system "make", "install", "build=release", "verbose=yes", "CC=#{}", "prefix=#{prefix}" # Symlink `mutool` as `mudraw` (a popular shortcut for `mutool draw`). bin.install_symlink bin/"mutool" => "mudraw" man1.install_symlink man1/"mutool.1" => "mudraw.1" end test do assert_match "Homebrew test", shell_output("#{bin}/mudraw -F txt #{test_fixtures("test.pdf")}") end end