require 'formula' class Pyside < Formula homepage '' url '' mirror '' sha1 'c0119775f2500e48efebdd50b7be7543e71b2c24' depends_on 'cmake' => :build depends_on :python => :recommended depends_on :python3 => :optional if build.with? 'python3' depends_on 'shiboken' => 'with-python3' else depends_on 'shiboken' end depends_on 'qt' def install python do # Add out of tree build because one of its deps, shiboken, itself needs an # out of tree build in shiboken.rb. mkdir "macbuild#{python.if3then3}" do args = std_cmake_args + %W[ -DSITE_PACKAGE=#{lib}/#{python.xy}/site-packages -DALTERNATIVE_QT_INCLUDE_DIR=#{Formula.factory('qt').frameworks} -DBUILD_TESTS=NO .. ] # The next two lines are because shiboken needs them args << "-DPYTHON_SUFFIX='-python2.7'" if python2 args << "-DPYTHON_SUFFIX='.cpython-33m'" if python3 system 'cmake', *args system 'make' system 'make install' # Todo: How to deal with pyside.pc file? It doesn't support 2.x and 3.x! end end end def test system 'python', '-c', "from PySide import QtCore" if Tab.for_formula('Pyside').with? 'python' system 'python3', '-c', "from PySide import QtCore" if Tab.for_formula('Pyside').with? 'python3' end def caveats python.standard_caveats if python end end