require 'formula' class Cmus < Formula url '' homepage '' md5 '75452cf007637214c4ab5444e076114b' head '' depends_on 'pkg-config' => :build depends_on 'libao' depends_on 'mad' depends_on 'libogg' depends_on 'libvorbis' depends_on 'faad2' depends_on 'flac' depends_on 'mp4v2' depends_on 'libcue' if ARGV.build_head? skip_clean 'bin/cmus' skip_clean 'bin/cmus-remote' def install # We add this to CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS in ENV, but cmus doesn't # pick up on that. Adding this patch because I am too lazy to # send a patch upstream to respect CPPFLAGS - @adamv unless HOMEBREW_PREFIX.to_s == '/usr/local' ENV.append 'CFLAGS', "-isystem #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/include -L#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/lib" end system "./configure", "prefix=#{prefix}", "mandir=#{man}" system "make install" end end