require "etc" # Nethack the way God intended it to be played: from a terminal. # This formula is based on Nethack formula. class Jnethack < Formula desc "Japanese localization of Nethack" homepage "" url "" version "3.4.3-0.11" sha256 "bb39c3d2a9ee2df4a0c8fdde708fbc63740853a7608d2f4c560b488124866fe4" bottle do sha256 "7422717258f234810d99d330df0a0e99b90da7328db9324a92d39a63869e008b" => :high_sierra sha256 "89c2fed343614d39084a8c59908032fe929e78c1572e92f50b9eafa4aca3860d" => :sierra sha256 "c11837932635f89762360ad449e189c44e8213cb74f981ccb7908671a0e3ad4b" => :el_capitan sha256 "f0c7c0c5bbf5c7d5b2d733fd76d49f31039b15c982a7ef7530444f734a41ec7c" => :yosemite end # needs X11 locale for i18n depends_on :x11 # Don't remove save folder skip_clean "libexec/save" patch do # Canonical: url "" sha256 "fbc071f6b33c53d89e8f13319ced952e605499a21d2086077296c631caff7389" end # Patch from MacPorts' jnethack portfile patch do url "" sha256 "6340de3784ee7b4d35fcf715ebbf08ec8e20214b0c2ae53f9c717afdae467c46" end def install # Build everything in-order; no multi builds. ENV.deparallelize ENV["HOMEBREW_CFLAGS"] = ENV.cflags # Symlink makefiles system "sh", "sys/unix/" inreplace "include/config.h", /^#\s*define HACKDIR.*$/, "#define HACKDIR \"#{libexec}\"" # Enable wizard mode for the current user wizard = inreplace "include/config.h", /^#\s*define\s+WIZARD\s+"wizard"/, "#define WIZARD \"#{wizard}\"" inreplace "include/config.h", /^#\s*define\s+WIZARD_NAME\s+"wizard"/, "#define WIZARD_NAME \"#{wizard}\"" cd "dat" do system "make" %w[perm logfile].each do |f| touch f libexec.install f end # Stage the data libexec.install %w[jhelp jhh jcmdhelp jhistory jopthelp jwizhelp dungeon license data jdata.base joracles options jrumors.tru jrumors.fal quest.dat jquest.txt] libexec.install Dir["*.lev"] end # Make the game ENV.append_to_cflags "-I../include" cd "src" do system "make" end bin.install "src/jnethack" (libexec+"save").mkpath end end