require "language/haskell" class PandocCiteproc < Formula include Language::Haskell::Cabal desc "Library and executable for using citeproc with pandoc" homepage "" url "" sha256 "42c0b2c8365441bf884daa6202e6ed01b42181cf255406c88b3b31cd27cb467a" head "" bottle do sha256 "27dc266011d69330c6e81d5e5334c158f2e7f03b1f8841047b1085e84030fb18" => :high_sierra sha256 "bd97c0c7bae22a29036bc4eba70c4a195ff10248f97740bb2919469e6cb159e7" => :sierra sha256 "9bc02f6ea655a565c99571a80ceb6f5b22fe57937740c0288e942a72b7ed8e9c" => :el_capitan end depends_on "cabal-install" => :build depends_on "ghc" => :build depends_on "pandoc" def install args = [] args << "--constraint=cryptonite -support_aesni" if MacOS.version <= :lion install_cabal_package *args end test do (testpath/"test.bib").write <<~EOS @Book{item1, author="John Doe", title="First Book", year="2005", address="Cambridge", publisher="Cambridge University Press" } EOS expected = <<~EOS --- references: - id: item1 type: book author: - family: Doe given: John issued: - year: 2005 title: First book publisher: Cambridge University Press publisher-place: Cambridge ... EOS assert_equal expected, shell_output("#{bin}/pandoc-citeproc -y test.bib") end end