class ErlangAT19 < Formula desc "Programming language for highly scalable real-time systems" homepage "" # Download tarball from GitHub; it is served faster than the official tarball. url "" sha256 "79fc0b073481e009f823b29f995097a4a0b3ce9f3983efa19e6641cfe6ca2ee0" head "", :branch => "maint-19" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "cae6cce1a3e996d78160f5d3a211b50192bc0b42e3166db88241e41b1cc12d28" => :high_sierra sha256 "f421a54f4adedf8e1d4e90618fc1921360581cc339be5ecd5c46ec7ce9e5f90a" => :sierra sha256 "dd84d925f51998ecb2ff94c86178ce08dc1ee0e8a8d2e61e8d39112d551a19dd" => :el_capitan end keg_only :versioned_formula option "without-hipe", "Disable building hipe; fails on various macOS systems" option "with-native-libs", "Enable native library compilation" option "with-dirty-schedulers", "Enable experimental dirty schedulers" option "with-java", "Build jinterface application" option "without-docs", "Do not install documentation" deprecated_option "disable-hipe" => "without-hipe" deprecated_option "no-docs" => "without-docs" depends_on "autoconf" => :build depends_on "automake" => :build depends_on "libtool" => :build depends_on "openssl" depends_on "fop" => :optional # enables building PDF docs depends_on :java => :optional depends_on "wxmac" => :recommended # for GUI apps like observer # Check if this patch can be removed when OTP 19.4 is released. # Erlang will crash on macOS 10.13 any time the crypto lib is used. # The Erlang team has an open PR for the patch but it needs to be applied to # older releases. See and # for additional information. patch do url "" sha256 "5aae52e7947db400a7798e8cda6e33e30088edf816e842cb09974b92c6b5eba6" end # Pointer comparison triggers error with Xcode 9 patch do url "" sha256 "3261400f8d7f0dcff3a52821daea3391ebfa01fd859f9f2d9cc5142138e26e15" end resource "man" do url "" mirror "" sha256 "f8192ffdd7367083c055695eeddf198155da43dcc221aed1d870d1e3871dd95c" end resource "html" do url "" mirror "" sha256 "dc3e3a82d1aba7f0deac1ddb81b7d6f8dee9a75e1d42b90c677a2b645f19a00c" end def install # Unset these so that building wx, kernel, compiler and # other modules doesn't fail with an unintelligable error. %w[LIBS FLAGS AFLAGS ZFLAGS].each { |k| ENV.delete("ERL_#{k}") } ENV["FOP"] = "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/fop" if build.with? "fop" # Do this if building from a checkout to generate configure system "./otp_build", "autoconf" if File.exist? "otp_build" args = %W[ --disable-debug --disable-silent-rules --prefix=#{prefix} --enable-kernel-poll --enable-threads --enable-sctp --enable-dynamic-ssl-lib --with-ssl=#{Formula["openssl"].opt_prefix} --enable-shared-zlib --enable-smp-support ] args << "--enable-darwin-64bit" if MacOS.prefer_64_bit? args << "--enable-native-libs" if build.with? "native-libs" args << "--enable-dirty-schedulers" if build.with? "dirty-schedulers" args << "--enable-wx" if build.with? "wxmac" args << "--with-dynamic-trace=dtrace" if MacOS::CLT.installed? if build.without? "hipe" # HIPE doesn't strike me as that reliable on macOS # # args << "--disable-hipe" else args << "--enable-hipe" end if build.with? "java" args << "--with-javac" else args << "--without-javac" end system "./configure", *args system "make" system "make", "install" if build.with? "docs" (lib/"erlang").install resource("man").files("man") doc.install resource("html") end end def caveats; <<~EOS Man pages can be found in: #{opt_lib}/erlang/man Access them with `erl -man`, or add this directory to MANPATH. EOS end test do system "#{bin}/erl", "-noshell", "-eval", "crypto:start().", "-s", "init", "stop" end end