class Sdcc < Formula
  desc "ANSI C compiler for Intel 8051, Maxim 80DS390, and Zilog Z80"
  homepage ""
  url ""
  sha256 "cf6af862b94d5f259f11afa0a1b86304f3047b3723a9df96f20dba869deb5bf9"

  head ""

  depends_on "gputils"
  depends_on "boost"

  option "enable-avr-port", "Enables the AVR port (UNSUPPORTED, MAY FAIL)"
  option "enable-xa51-port", "Enables the xa51 port (UNSUPPORTED, MAY FAIL)"

  # SDCC Doesn't build huge-stack-auto by default for mcs51, but it
  # is needed by Contiki and others. This simple patch enables it to build.
  patch do
    url ""
    sha256 "4fa5bf4d3f8f57682246918a06eb780e163b7207dc2cad4133d4017ae892bf6a"

  def install
    args = ["--prefix=#{prefix}"]

    args << "--enable-avr-port" if build.include? "enable-avr-port"
    args << "--enable-xa51-port" if build.include? "enable-xa51-port"

    system "./configure", *args
    system "make", "all"
    system "make", "install"
    rm Dir["#{bin}/*.el"]

  test do
    system "#{bin}/sdcc", "-v"