class Mono < Formula desc "Cross platform, open source .NET development framework" homepage "" url "" sha256 "0574b61efb9bfc3364211d03d87a12c91dc7b03e8d6242cd4d8d953ef145d468" revision 1 bottle do sha256 "f2e144d29177bf476757ea3e2aae2620e0779fc7683796a1c3ad5321d9a67090" => :mojave sha256 "ac68ce33876998c1c444688d7aaa412547b14e2674fbebc3fd851762d02d0829" => :high_sierra sha256 "0442dd6a82b37411dd84f135a8a8d07c2961ba8db718e4665d938ce95808bbde" => :sierra end depends_on "cmake" => :build depends_on "pkg-config" => :build conflicts_with "xsd", :because => "both install `xsd` binaries" # xbuild requires the .exe files inside the runtime directories to # be executable skip_clean "lib/mono" link_overwrite "bin/fsharpi" link_overwrite "bin/fsharpiAnyCpu" link_overwrite "bin/fsharpc" link_overwrite "bin/fssrgen" link_overwrite "lib/mono" link_overwrite "lib/cli" resource "fsharp" do url "", :tag => "10.2.3", :revision => "e31bc96e8a5e5742af1c6c45d55d5cc06bb524cb" end # When upgrading Mono, make sure to use the revision from #{version}/packaging/MacSDK/ resource "msbuild" do url "", :revision => "804bde742bdf9d65c7ceb672a3d5400c0c22e628" end def install system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--disable-silent-rules", "--enable-nls=no" system "make" system "make", "install" # and are meant to be loaded by gdb, not to be # run directly, so we move them out of bin libexec.install bin/"", bin/"" # We'll need mono for msbuild, and then later msbuild for fsharp ENV.prepend_path "PATH", bin # Next build msbuild resource("msbuild").stage do system "./", "-hostType", "mono", "-configuration", "Release", "-skipTests" system "./artifacts/mono-msbuild/msbuild", "mono/build/install.proj", "/p:MonoInstallPrefix=#{prefix}", "/p:Configuration=Release-MONO", "/p:IgnoreDiffFailure=true" end # Finally build and install fsharp as well resource("fsharp").stage do ENV.prepend_path "PKG_CONFIG_PATH", lib/"pkgconfig" system "make" system "make", "install" end end def caveats; <<~EOS To use the assemblies from other formulae you need to set: export MONO_GAC_PREFIX="#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}" EOS end test do test_str = "Hello Homebrew" test_name = "hello.cs" (testpath/test_name).write <<~EOS public class Hello1 { public static void Main() { System.Console.WriteLine("#{test_str}"); } } EOS shell_output("#{bin}/mcs #{test_name}") output = shell_output("#{bin}/mono hello.exe") assert_match test_str, output.strip # Tests that xbuild is able to execute lib/mono/*/mcs.exe (testpath/"test.csproj").write <<~EOS HomebrewMonoTest v4.5 EOS system bin/"xbuild", "test.csproj" # Test that fsharpi is working ENV.prepend_path "PATH", bin (testpath/"test.fsx").write <<~EOS printfn "#{test_str}"; 0 EOS output = pipe_output("#{bin}/fsharpi test.fsx") assert_match test_str, output # Tests that xbuild is able to execute fsc.exe (testpath/"test.fsproj").write <<~EOS 8.0.30703 2.0 {B6AB4EF3-8F60-41A1-AB0C-851A6DEB169E} Exe $(MSBuildExtensionsPath32)\\Microsoft\\VisualStudio\\v$(VisualStudioVersion)\\FSharp\\Microsoft.FSharp.Targets EOS (testpath/"Main.fs").write <<~EOS [] let main _ = printfn "#{test_str}"; 0 EOS system bin/"xbuild", "test.fsproj" end end