class LedgerAT26 < Formula desc "Command-line, double-entry accounting tool" homepage "" url "" sha256 "d5c244343f054c413b129f14e7020b731f43afb8bdf92c6bdb702a17a2e2aa3a" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "795cae0983cf60a2f920e37c5ce93eece903d105b7482ec82135310d8c4ce37c" => :sierra sha256 "7b0e5ba6ae9eafc22c2d7e7f1c037110dc62da74884e35a23cf225afce062273" => :el_capitan sha256 "e2d42c404f3f3a0826498fc9d323392021e4ded1c57d08c27f8e2ac22b5450d0" => :yosemite end keg_only :versioned_formula option "with-debug", "Build with debugging symbols enabled" depends_on "automake" => :build depends_on "autoconf" => :build depends_on "libtool" => :build depends_on "gettext" depends_on "pcre" depends_on "boost" depends_on "gmp" depends_on "libofx" => :optional depends_on :python => :optional deprecated_option "debug" => "with-debug" def install # find Homebrew's libpcre ENV.append "LDFLAGS", "-L#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/lib" args = %W[ --disable-debug --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=#{prefix} --with-lispdir=#{elisp} ] if build.with? "libofx" args << "--enable-ofx" # the libofx.h appears to have moved to a subdirectory ENV.append "CXXFLAGS", "-I#{Formula["libofx"].opt_include}/libofx" end args << "--enable-python" if build.with? "python" args << "--enable-debug" if build.with? "debug" system "./" system "./configure", *args system "make" ENV.deparallelize system "make", "install" (share+"ledger/examples").install "sample.dat", "scripts" end test do balance = testpath/"output" system bin/"ledger", "--file", share/"ledger/examples/sample.dat", "--output", balance, "balance", "--collapse", "equity" assert_equal " $-2,500.00 Equity", assert_equal 0, $?.exitstatus if build.with? "python" system "python", "#{share}/ledger/" end end end