class Wxmaxima < Formula desc "Cross platform GUI for Maxima" homepage "" url "" sha256 "06da51b6032dd5941b6ef09f8d7705f7c0a14b8dc7d0065f571369df9c339b7a" head "" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "a5064d9f672660ea47b146bb7c4730ef036481bf684f39596052e97e8a58ecf8" => :mojave sha256 "67a9010b3698f3a130457a684f81407631e88ac7d0612ed44cac745dd4eb6218" => :high_sierra sha256 "4b957f06e6b11a207245be91d62a16d73c9c3c2387cfdc76885e6f733594ba8e" => :sierra end depends_on "cmake" => :build depends_on "gettext" => :build depends_on "wxmac" def install system "cmake", ".", *std_cmake_args system "make", "install" prefix.install "" end def caveats; <<~EOS When you start wxMaxima the first time, set the path to Maxima (e.g. #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/maxima) in the Preferences. Enable gnuplot functionality by setting the following variables in ~/.maxima/maxima-init.mac: gnuplot_command:"#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/gnuplot"$ draw_command:"#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/gnuplot"$ EOS end test do assert_match "algebra", shell_output("#{bin}/wxmaxima --help 2>&1", 255) end end