class Radare2 < Formula desc "Reverse engineering framework" homepage "" stable do url "" sha256 "5ac02717786f2ff3b5326927351d5ca38464da89675c8edfb4ded43addb22987" resource "bindings" do url "" sha256 "6cb91f4135b5e490185e25629850cb48c08c06882e2c870fa5ab1425cc84106f" end resource "extras" do url "" sha256 "c330210c8e6ce5fa8113c455e98c994fb5ecbb5d2f1c15c40c0d1bcbc24d5092" end end bottle do sha256 "73a42da677ce0d4fb4b02608659ff06096aa20909e8eec49cfd34904947c8728" => :el_capitan sha256 "348343ac295621bb2288a9d8a418ce0a55a3fea4c445703b5697a02407d6ef65" => :yosemite sha256 "2cf435b70d3ba0960a4f67190c472bffcdf247760cfdc3a58286b0336fed943b" => :mavericks end head do url "" resource "bindings" do url "" end resource "extras" do url "" end end depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "valabind" => :build depends_on "swig" => :build depends_on "gobject-introspection" => :build depends_on "gmp" depends_on "libewf" depends_on "libmagic" depends_on "lua51" # It seems to latch onto Lua51 rather than Lua. Enquire this upstream. depends_on "openssl" depends_on "yara" def install # Build Radare2 before bindings, otherwise compile = nope. system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--with-openssl" system "make", "CS_PATCHES=0" system "make", "install" resource("extras").stage do ENV.append_path "PATH", "#{bin}" ENV.append_path "PKG_CONFIG_PATH", "#{lib}/pkgconfig" system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}" system "make", "all" system "make", "install" end resource("bindings").stage do ENV.append_path "PATH", "#{bin}" ENV.append_path "PKG_CONFIG_PATH", "#{lib}/pkgconfig" # Language versions. perl_version = `/usr/bin/perl -e 'printf "%vd", $^V;'` lua_version = "5.1" # Lazily bind to Python. inreplace "", "VALABINDFLAGS=\"\"", "VALABINDFLAGS=\"--nolibpython\"" make_binding_args = ["CFLAGS=-undefined dynamic_lookup"] # Ensure that plugins and bindings are installed in the correct Cellar # paths. inreplace "libr/lang/p/Makefile", "R2_PLUGIN_PATH=", "#R2_PLUGIN_PATH=" inreplace "Makefile", "LUAPKG=", "#LUAPKG=" inreplace "Makefile", "${DESTDIR}$$_LUADIR", "#{lib}/lua/#{lua_version}" make_install_args = ["R2_PLUGIN_PATH=#{lib}/radare2/#{version}", "LUAPKG=lua-#{lua_version}", "PERLPATH=#{lib}/perl5/site_perl/#{perl_version}", "PYTHON_PKGDIR=#{lib}/python2.7/site-packages", "RUBYPATH=#{lib}/ruby/#{RUBY_VERSION}",] system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}" ["lua", "perl", "python"].each do |binding| system "make", "-C", binding, *make_binding_args end system "make" system "make", "install", *make_install_args end end end