class Htop < Formula desc "Improved top (interactive process viewer)" homepage "" url "" sha256 "f410626dfaf6b70fdf73cd7bb33cae768869707028d847fed94a978e974f5666" revision 1 bottle do sha256 "17e7e101576e5a6ab21c9cb466abb06c9aa9f41bf48a8bafab7b35724be10a22" => :el_capitan sha256 "ae6da1461494e36c71e5ccf77f3b84d89b83eb5edc50b25e170c6021de8d3978" => :yosemite sha256 "0105446a79d2a2d8e559f1e815597dc735efe50cf51d9de27c545f0a1a881d1f" => :mavericks end head do url "" depends_on "autoconf" => :build depends_on "automake" => :build depends_on "libtool" => :build end option "with-ncurses", "Build using homebrew ncurses (enables mouse scroll)" depends_on "homebrew/dupes/ncurses" => :optional conflicts_with "htop-osx", :because => "both install an `htop` binary" def install system "./" if build.head? system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}" system "make", "install" end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent htop requires root privileges to correctly display all running processes, so you will need to run `sudo htop`. You should be certain that you trust any software you grant root privileges. EOS end test do ENV["TERM"] = "xterm" pipe_output("#{bin}/htop", "q", 0) end end