class Ncp < Formula desc "File copy tool for LANs" homepage "" url "" sha256 "6cfa72edd5f7717bf7a4a93ccc74c4abd89892360e2e0bb095a73c24b9359b88" head "", :using => :cvs bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "edc952c838f359516da24ae55930d1461f057703dcacbe14ce44bde3300b24e2" => :el_capitan sha256 "6b6bcdcb90f1ca2b9c06d928d71900ef7b88a2bbc6e0f522be2af863bf99c542" => :yosemite sha256 "12957fec74020f5b58975f575a1c812f9c0eec5de640d98404f2bd1429fb0b00" => :mavericks end depends_on "libowfat" # fixes man and libowfat paths and "strip" command in Makefile patch do url "" sha256 "b269c3a024583918d2279324660f467060f0c2adb57db31c19c05f7bbd958b19" end def install system "make", "CC=#{}", "LIBOWFAT_PREFIX=#{Formula["libowfat"].opt_prefix}" system "make", "PREFIX=#{prefix}", "install" end test do ping = "Hello, brew!\n" pong = "" IO.popen("#{bin}/npush -b 2>/dev/null", "r+") do |push| push.puts ping push.close_write IO.popen("#{bin}/npoll 2>/dev/null", "r") do |poll| pong = poll.gets end end assert_equal ping, pong end end