class Ploticus < Formula desc "Scriptable plotting and graphing utility" homepage "" url "" version "2.42" sha256 "3f29e4b9f405203a93efec900e5816d9e1b4381821881e241c08cab7dd66e0b0" revision 1 bottle do sha256 "bfdaab8cdaf7c0c97e02caea8fa79e76e7ac85704d21591ced4a59914b4c5c26" => :high_sierra sha256 "06456d2606a86782cd75ee63f67e738e7ce33271902d3f4e7807d2061c0a5f4a" => :sierra sha256 "088f4ba0eea75ed4b401f94331b70dd64e23f02fa0d95731fbaccf6904c8cea5" => :el_capitan sha256 "b15be72d80abf16b348c625945de811bf1fb411b1cb329adc701bc04cfb41dd8" => :yosemite sha256 "c2b4982907f4a9de66973cf55729fed03f17c42704593d6dbcce955ce53cd9bb" => :mavericks end depends_on "libpng" def install # Use alternate name because "pl" conflicts with macOS "pl" utility args=["INSTALLBIN=#{bin}", "EXE=ploticus"] inreplace "src/pl.h", /#define\s+PREFABS_DIR\s+""/, "#define PREFABS_DIR \"#{pkgshare}\"" system "make", "-C", "src", *args # Required because the Makefile assumes INSTALLBIN dir exists bin.mkdir system "make", "-C", "src", "install", *args pkgshare.install Dir["prefabs/*"] end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent Ploticus prefabs have been installed to #{opt_pkgshare} EOS end test do assert_match "ploticus 2.", shell_output("#{bin}/ploticus -version 2>&1", 1) (testpath/"").write <<-EOS.undent #proc areadef rectangle: 1 1 4 2 xrange: 0 5 yrange: 0 100 #proc xaxis: stubs: text Africa Americas Asia Europe,\\nAustralia,\\n\& Pacific EOS system "#{bin}/ploticus", "-f", "", "-png", "-o", "test.png" assert_match "PNG image data", shell_output("file test.png") end end