class Fio < Formula desc "I/O benchmark and stress test" homepage "" url "" sha256 "4d31ce145cc2d21e91aaf08bb4d14cca942ad6572131cba687906983478ce6e5" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation rebuild 1 sha256 "80b4ccb0ebffb0219ccce055aff65f4d0288e52adc74ac3ae12c09dd4186f7d5" => :sierra sha256 "958ccd2531a841bddf5eac1113156bd992bcccd6bdbfd8cc74e7fdd28fe4097e" => :el_capitan sha256 "a29b96564d86834fd3c6358a164d7d687372e0ae3c9698f49681d53f283afed5" => :yosemite end # Upstream fix for "dyld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found: _clock_gettime" # patch do url "" sha256 "6a714e9e40a8973549977bc3ae3b7d8fa7a6a25dd8c9d385fe8e0e58006339fe" end def install system "./configure" # fio's CFLAGS passes vital stuff around, and crushing it will break the build system "make", "prefix=#{prefix}", "mandir=#{man}", "sharedir=#{share}", "CC=#{}", "V=true", # get normal verbose output from fio's makefile "install" end test do system "#{bin}/fio", "--parse-only" end end