class ClozureCl < Formula desc "Common Lisp implementation with a long history" homepage "" url "" version "1.11" sha256 "2fc4b519f26f7df3fbb62314b15bd5d098082b05d40c3539f8204aa10f546913" head "" bottle :unneeded conflicts_with "cclive", :because => "both install a ccl binary" def install if build.head? ENV["CCL_DEFAULT_DIRECTORY"] = buildpath system "scripts/ccl64", "-n", "-e", "(ccl:rebuild-ccl :full t)", "-e", "(quit)" end # Get rid of all the .svn directories rm_rf Dir["**/.svn"] prefix.install "doc/README" doc.install Dir["doc/*"] libexec.install Dir["*"] bin.install Dir["#{libexec}/scripts/ccl{,64}"] bin.env_script_all_files(libexec/"bin", :CCL_DEFAULT_DIRECTORY => libexec) end test do args = "-n -e '(write-line (write-to-string (* 3 7)))' -e '(quit)'" %w[ccl ccl64].each do |ccl| assert_equal "21", shell_output("#{bin}/#{ccl} #{args}").strip end end end