class AmplMp < Formula desc "The AMPL modeling language solver library" homepage "" url "" sha256 "587c1a88f4c8f57bef95b58a8586956145417c8039f59b1758365ccc5a309ae9" revision 3 bottle do cellar :any sha256 "c111c501330b3ff8e3bde1a7e679f162bea1038df07de96810ea5cbe34775740" => :catalina sha256 "bf329d7a40c3a21cb745d9d86bc0cf4add18397aedd6b36eb8e27feab822f1e3" => :mojave sha256 "835aea5e86e3780681cb38ebe0f0dcd522ed21f80ed4711ad10e66b6c0814d03" => :high_sierra end depends_on "cmake" => :build resource "miniampl" do url "" sha256 "b836dbf1208426f4bd93d6d79d632c6f5619054279ac33453825e036a915c675" end # Removes Google Benchmark - as already done so upstream # All it did was conflict with the google-benchmark formula patch do url "" sha256 "1a4ef4cd1f4e8b959c20518f8f00994ef577e74e05824b2d1b241b1c3c1f84eb" end def install system "cmake", ".", *std_cmake_args, "-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=True" system "make", "all" MachO::Tools.change_install_name("bin/libasl.dylib", "@rpath/libmp.3.dylib", "#{opt_lib}/libmp.dylib") system "make", "install" # Shared modules are installed in bin mkdir_p libexec/"bin" mv Dir[bin/"*.dll"], libexec/"bin" # Install missing header files, remove in > 3.1.0 # %w[errchk.h jac2dim.h obj_adj.h].each { |h| cp "src/asl/solvers/#{h}", include/"asl" } resource("miniampl").stage do (pkgshare/"example").install "src/miniampl.c", Dir["examples/wb.*"] end end test do system, pkgshare/"example/miniampl.c", "-I#{include}/asl", "-L#{lib}", "-lasl", "-lmp" cp Dir[pkgshare/"example/wb.*"], testpath output = shell_output("./a.out wb showname=1 showgrad=1") assert_match "Objective name: objective", output end end