class Unar < Formula desc "Command-line unarchiving tools supporting multiple formats" homepage "" url "" version "1.9.1" sha256 "28045fb688563c002b7c2807e80575d3f9af8eb024739f9ab836f681bb8e822c" head "", :using => :hg bottle do cellar :any sha256 "3f0abeedfdc17860ef6f8f8406b34cc6fb2b334e13c3081d00fb7c2ef98f7cc1" => :el_capitan sha256 "829f81a91ebb65385bb5b39944f40a8a6a3a900e4717ef00cf608fec2884e3d6" => :yosemite end depends_on :xcode => :build def install # Files in have "The Unarchiver" path prefix, but HEAD checkout does not. # Build on some versions of Xcode will fail if there's whitespace in path, so workaround # by moving things out of "The Unarchiver" folder. unless build.head? mv "./The Unarchiver/Extra", "." mv "./The Unarchiver/UniversalDetector", "." mv "./The Unarchiver/XADMaster", "." end # Build XADMaster.framework, unar and lsar xcodebuild "-project", "./XADMaster/XADMaster.xcodeproj", "-target", "XADMaster", "SYMROOT=../", "-configuration", "Release" xcodebuild "-project", "./XADMaster/XADMaster.xcodeproj", "-target", "unar", "SYMROOT=../", "-configuration", "Release" xcodebuild "-project", "./XADMaster/XADMaster.xcodeproj", "-target", "lsar", "SYMROOT=../", "-configuration", "Release" bin.install "./Release/unar", "./Release/lsar" lib.install "./Release/libXADMaster.a" frameworks.install "./Release/XADMaster.framework" (include/"libXADMaster").install_symlink Dir["#{frameworks}/XADMaster.framework/Headers/*"] cd "./Extra" do man1.install "lsar.1", "unar.1" bash_completion.install "unar.bash_completion", "lsar.bash_completion" end end test do system bin/"unar", "--version" system bin/"lsar", "--version" end end