class Gnupg < Formula homepage "" url "" mirror "" mirror "" sha1 "41462d1a97f91abc16a0031b5deadc3095ce88ae" revision 1 bottle do revision 2 sha1 "e1ea1c3bd682a15370f596a31297eb19ff87998e" => :yosemite sha1 "71e3618e2f4ea550e194938f6742772fb7d376d9" => :mavericks sha1 "f933064e91d20ebdb48f6f2180fdf7b99e814b8c" => :mountain_lion end depends_on "curl" if MacOS.version <= :mavericks def install system "./configure", "--disable-dependency-tracking", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--disable-asm" system "make" system "make", "check" # we need to create these directories because the install target has the # dependency order wrong [bin, libexec/"gnupg"].each(&:mkpath) system "make", "install" end test do (testpath/"gen-key-script").write <<-EOS.undent Key-Type: RSA Key-Length: 4096 Subkey-Type: RSA Subkey-Length: 4096 Name-Real: Homebrew Test Name-Email: Expire-Date: 0 EOS system "#{bin}/gpg", "--batch", "--gen-key", "gen-key-script" (testpath/"test.txt").write ("Hello World!") system "#{bin}/gpg", "--armor", "--sign", "test.txt" system "#{bin}/gpg", "--verify", "test.txt.asc" end end