class JpegTurbo < Formula desc "JPEG image codec that aids compression and decompression" homepage "" url "" sha256 "778876105d0d316203c928fd2a0374c8c01f755d0a00b12a1c8934aeccff8868" bottle do sha256 "3419adae8718b8b9fc41cd7e7f74803bdc4437d2f754605a59e8768d2630512f" => :high_sierra sha256 "68d14fd1b5a59c349e9bdd639d25841947f790f48d3eb788898599bb62515560" => :sierra sha256 "5782250ca2948367083ccd42aacba569efe888bd5a2727faa01d6ad6234d02ab" => :el_capitan end head do url "" depends_on "cmake" => :build end keg_only "libjpeg-turbo is not linked to prevent conflicts with the standard libjpeg" option "without-test", "Skip build-time checks (Not Recommended)" depends_on "cmake" => :build depends_on "nasm" => :build def install system "cmake", ".", "-DWITH_JPEG8=1", *std_cmake_args system "make" system "make", "test" if build.with? "test" system "make", "install" end test do system "#{bin}/jpegtran", "-crop", "1x1", "-transpose", "-perfect", "-outfile", "out.jpg", test_fixtures("test.jpg") end end