require 'formula' class Thrift < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 '1d652d7078d9cc70e2a45d3119b13e86ebd446da' head '' option "with-haskell", "Install Haskell binding" option "with-erlang", "Install Erlang binding" option "with-java", "Install Java binding" option "with-perl", "Install Perl binding" option "with-php", "Install Php binding" depends_on 'boost' def install # No reason for this step is known. On Lion at least the pkg.m4 doesn't # even exist. Turns out that it isn't needed on Lion either. Possibly it # isn't needed anymore at all but I can't test that. cp "#{MacOS::X11.share}/aclocal/pkg.m4", "aclocal" if MacOS.version < :lion system "./" if build.head? exclusions = ["--without-python", "--without-ruby"] exclusions << "--without-haskell" unless build.include? "with-haskell" exclusions << "--without-java" unless build.include? "with-java" exclusions << "--without-perl" unless build.include? "with-perl" exclusions << "--without-php" unless build.include? "with-php" exclusions << "--without-erlang" unless build.include? "with-erlang" # Language bindings try to install outside of Homebrew's prefix, so # omit them here. For ruby you can install the gem, and for Python # you can use pip or easy_install. system "./configure", "--disable-debug", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--libdir=#{lib}", *exclusions ENV.j1 system "make" system "make install" end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent Most language bindings were not installed. You may like to do the following: gem install thrift easy_install thrift If anyone figures out the steps to reliably build a set of bindings, please open a pull request. EOS end end