class Cc65 < Formula desc "6502 C compiler" homepage "" url "" sha256 "a98a1b69d3fa15551fe7d53d5bebfc5f9b2aafb9642ee14b735587a421e00468" # CC65 stable has ceased to be maintained as of March 2013. # The head build has a new home, and new maintainer, but no new stable release yet. head "" bottle do sha256 "a8d0601368f3f6c4048c63e4f785d5159c0aab3f4e3a86c49a65cd3cdf69ae53" => :el_capitan sha256 "0320f31da62970bce189a3d6b8bdae5e595fa113eba7a37b5812e75dc6f89d72" => :yosemite sha256 "8f56a19db5bfa9d606e7f636c3780a7e29206e0f9b845365f91550f58e46d2b4" => :mavericks end conflicts_with "grc", :because => "both install `grc` binaries" def install ENV.deparallelize ENV.no_optimization make_vars = ["prefix=#{prefix}", "libdir=#{share}"] if head? system "make", *make_vars system "make", "install", *make_vars else system "make", "-f", "make/gcc.mak", *make_vars system "make", "-f", "make/gcc.mak", "install", *make_vars end end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent Library files have been installed to: #{pkgshare} EOS end test do (testpath/"foo.c").write "int main (void) { return 0; }" system bin/"cl65", "foo.c" # compile and link assert File.exist?("foo") # binary end end