class Petsc < Formula desc "Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation (real)" homepage "" url "" sha256 "f03650ea5592313dd2b8be7ae9cc498369da660185b58f9e98689a9bc355e982" revision 1 bottle do sha256 "590531ba5fde737e2dfb3292dbee8d6e90443f43ca07fb05a9ac35212dfa9714" => :mojave sha256 "90409e88a4815d6fc89825a38881abd841a1005424adf95576b3e8e47a02238d" => :high_sierra sha256 "911141ce3eedae047039027ce3ded089d9fff25560131b1f886f95e9c3d6f02c" => :sierra end depends_on "hdf5" depends_on "hwloc" depends_on "metis" depends_on "netcdf" depends_on "open-mpi" depends_on "scalapack" depends_on "suite-sparse" conflicts_with "petsc-complex", :because => "petsc must be installed with either real or complex support, not both" def install ENV["CC"] = "mpicc" ENV["CXX"] = "mpicxx" ENV["F77"] = "mpif77" ENV["FC"] = "mpif90" system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--with-debugging=0", "--with-scalar-type=real", "--with-x=0" system "make", "all" system "make", "install" end test do test_case = "#{pkgshare}/examples/src/ksp/ksp/examples/tutorials/ex1.c" system "mpicc", test_case, "-I#{include}", "-L#{lib}", "-lpetsc", "-o", "test" output = shell_output("./test") # This PETSc example prints several lines of output. The last line contains # an error norm, expected to be small. line = output.lines.last assert_match /^Norm of error .+, Iterations/, line, "Unexpected output format" error = line.split[3].to_f assert (error >= 0.0 && error < 1.0e-13), "Error norm too large" end end