class Cc65 < Formula desc "6502 C compiler" homepage "" url "" sha256 "fdbbf1efbf2324658a5774fdceef4a1b202322a04f895688d95694843df76792" head "" bottle do sha256 "d0e95f0073a40ad6a7cf252c0a9ac3097fecdd7d1b8e132f3cb0314554c8e673" => :high_sierra sha256 "c3e1ba0c47aa7cff0841b4aba4688d8598fbc39733cc4da9cfebbb626330e222" => :sierra sha256 "f0c5fee3dab48fc030953717cdea847a1bd7fc040d50f34407330f190de54420" => :el_capitan sha256 "c7b91bec2fa66f33f2c1f87a12db927ca613652e9a0e2b52848f6cc06d00acbc" => :yosemite end conflicts_with "grc", :because => "both install `grc` binaries" def install ENV.deparallelize make_vars = ["prefix=#{prefix}", "libdir=#{share}"] system "make", *make_vars system "make", "install", *make_vars end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent Library files have been installed to: #{pkgshare} EOS end test do (testpath/"foo.c").write "int main (void) { return 0; }" system bin/"cl65", "foo.c" # compile and link assert_predicate testpath/"foo", :exist? # binary end end