class GnuSmalltalk < Formula desc "GNU Smalltalk interpreter and image" homepage "" url "" mirror "" sha256 "819a15f7ba8a1b55f5f60b9c9a58badd6f6153b3f987b70e7b167e7755d65acc" revision 5 head "" bottle do sha256 "45c067640a3cd5e8453664e637f25e7e3205ebe4dfd5dcb609ea89a508dc14cf" => :sierra sha256 "7190b107e1211615b45a7168bd0a4b3fdf194f11764285e30ed90b22bfacc659" => :el_capitan sha256 "7f879a4dd647c3d3324154060aa4bbe62fb0b45d9b44cefceab8ffb2bdc1f49f" => :yosemite end devel do url "" mirror "" sha256 "13a7480553c182dbb8092bd4f215781b9ec871758d1db7045c2d8587e4d1bef9" end option "with-test", "Verify the build with make check (this may hang)" option "with-tcltk", "Build the Tcl/Tk module that requires X11" deprecated_option "tests" => "with-test" deprecated_option "with-tests" => "with-test" deprecated_option "tcltk" => "with-tcltk" depends_on "autoconf" => :build depends_on "automake" => :build depends_on "libtool" => :run depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "gawk" => :build depends_on "readline" depends_on "gnutls" depends_on "gdbm" depends_on "libffi" => :recommended depends_on "libsigsegv" => :recommended depends_on "glew" => :optional depends_on :x11 if build.with? "tcltk" def install ENV.m32 unless MacOS.prefer_64_bit? # Fix build failure "Symbol not found: _clock_gettime" if MacOS.version == "10.11" && MacOS::Xcode.installed? && MacOS::Xcode.version >= "8.0" ENV["ac_cv_search_clock_gettime"] = "no" end args = %W[ --disable-debug --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=#{prefix} --with-lispdir=#{elisp} --disable-gtk --with-readline=#{Formula["readline"].opt_lib} ] if build.without? "tcltk" args << "--without-tcl" << "--without-tk" << "--without-x" end # disable generational gc in 32-bit and if libsigsegv is absent if !MacOS.prefer_64_bit? || build.without?("libsigsegv") args << "--disable-generational-gc" end system "autoreconf", "-ivf" system "./configure", *args system "make" system "make", "-j1", "check" if build.with? "test" system "make", "install" end test do path = testpath/"test.gst" path.write "0 to: 9 do: [ :n | n display ]\n" assert_match "0123456789", shell_output("#{bin}/gst #{path}") end end