class Voltdb < Formula desc "Horizontally-scalable, in-memory SQL RDBMS" homepage "" url "" sha256 "46e4243ba4d12599cb99852ba0b57c693a6aca943270f41f50b70ac054cf05fc" head "" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "81419cf29821d4d6051dec794e663bd76b6494eb7355bff2e9365c0610b32ae3" => :sierra sha256 "ee6ee32c112cb64f772ed3791140350cd5a0cf13e66a6e5a05530d074043defa" => :el_capitan sha256 "6762c49081ec4e08f96b738b1772a651e77165b124a2a28fe5a37820c4213561" => :yosemite end depends_on :ant => :build depends_on "cmake" => :build def install system "ant" # Edit VOLTDB_LIB variable in bash scripts to match homebrew's folder structure. Python scripts work without # changes and are excluded here. inreplace Dir["bin/*"] - ["bin/voltadmin", "bin/voltdb", "bin/rabbitmqloader", "bin/voltdeploy", "bin/voltenv"], %r{VOLTDB_LIB=\$VOLTDB_HOME\/lib}, "VOLTDB_LIB=$VOLTDB_HOME/lib/voltdb" inreplace "bin/voltenv" do |s| # voltenv location detection is different than in other bash scripts. s.gsub! /VOLTDB_VOLTDB="\$VOLTDB_LIB"/, "VOLTDB_VOLTDB=\"$VOLTDB_BASE/voltdb\"" # Remove voltenv installed as link check # Upstream PR s.gsub! /if \[ "\$\{0\}" = "\$SOURCE" \]; then/, "if [ \"${0}\" = \"${BASH_SOURCE[0]}\" ]; then" end (lib/"voltdb").install Dir["lib/*"] lib.install_symlink lib/"voltdb/python" prefix.install "bin", "tools", "voltdb", "version.txt", "doc" end test do assert_match version.to_s, shell_output("#{bin}/voltdb --version") end end