require "formula" class Ssreflect < Formula homepage "" url "" sha1 "131f4e2746b4a97627ae91a9f980f61ec42a00c9" depends_on "objective-caml" depends_on "coq" option "with-doc", "Install HTML documents" option "with-static", "Build with static linking" # Fix an ill-formatted ocamldoc comment. patch :DATA def install ENV.j1 # Enable static linking. if build.with? "static" inreplace 'Make' do |s| s.gsub! /#\-custom/, '-custom' s.gsub! /#SSRCOQ/, 'SSRCOQ' end end args = ["COQBIN=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/", "COQLIBINSTALL=lib/coq/user-contrib", "COQDOCINSTALL=share/doc", "DSTROOT=#{prefix}/"] system "make", *args system "make", "install", *args if build.with? "doc" system "make", "-f", "Makefile.coq", "html", *args system "make", "-f", "Makefile.coq", "mlihtml", *args system "make", "-f", "Makefile.coq", "install-doc", *args end bin.install "bin/ssrcoq.byte", "bin/ssrcoq" if build.with? "static" (share/"ssreflect").install "pg-ssr.el" end end __END__ diff --git a/src/ssrmatching.mli b/src/ssrmatching.mli index fd2e835..1d9d15b 100644 --- a/src/ssrmatching.mli +++ b/src/ssrmatching.mli @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ val interp_cpattern : pattern (** The set of occurrences to be matched. The boolean is set to true - * to signal the complement of this set (i.e. {-1 3}) *) + * to signal the complement of this set (i.e. \{-1 3\}) *) type occ = (bool * int list) option (** Substitution function. The [int] argument is the number of binders