require 'formula' class Grails < Formula url '' homepage '' md5 'ea7cbfecdcf30c861f8faa8552ce3b46' def install rm_f Dir["bin/*.bat", "bin/cygrails", "*.bat"] prefix.install %w[LICENSE README] libexec.install Dir['*'] bin.mkpath Dir["#{libexec}/bin/*"].each do |f| next unless File.extname(f).empty? ln_s f, bin+File.basename(f) end end def caveats <<-EOS.undent IMPORTANT! Notes On Upgrading #{name.capitalize} From Versions < 1.3.7 The directory layout has been changed slightly for versions >= 1.3.7 in order to conform with Homebrew conventions for installation of Java jar files. Please note the following: Before upgrading - run 'brew unlink #{name}' (keeps old version in cellar) OR run 'brew rm #{name}' (deletes old version from cellar) THEN run 'brew prune' This is to ensure that #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX} is cleaned of references to the old version. The #{name.capitalize} home directory for versions < 1.3.7 was in the form: #{HOMEBREW_CELLAR}/#{name}/1.3.6 For versions >= 1.3.7, the #{name.capitalize} home directory is in the form: #{libexec} If you set the GRAILS_HOME variable explicitly in your shell environment, change its value accordingly. EOS end end