class Tesseract < Formula desc "OCR (Optical Character Recognition) engine" homepage "" url "" sha256 "57f63e1b14ae04c3932a2683e4be4954a2849e17edd638ffe91bc5a2156adc6a" revision 2 bottle do sha256 "cf3f65725fee58769174390c9679fb50d91c31f050f78c168562e8201a9d4947" => :sierra sha256 "61fe45974f9c0d9ea56d7c0c8adff0f62bef5892623403fb6a7c9bc85bbe7040" => :el_capitan sha256 "f8e99bc1013c533d78cfce0a049840e693a75a83ac465f3f4bce9a2ec6049809" => :yosemite sha256 "7f18bf4f30a861e949f453aea13debe638c052b8e6b4dda56f5329357ed23709" => :mavericks end head do url "" depends_on "autoconf" => :build depends_on "automake" => :build depends_on "libtool" => :build depends_on "pkg-config" => :build resource "tessdata-head" do url "" end end option "with-all-languages", "Install recognition data for all languages" option "with-training-tools", "Install OCR training tools" option "with-opencl", "Enable OpenCL support" option "with-serial-num-pack", "Install serial number recognition pack" deprecated_option "all-languages" => "with-all-languages" depends_on "leptonica" depends_on "libtiff" => :recommended if build.with? "training-tools" depends_on "libtool" => :build depends_on "icu4c" depends_on "glib" depends_on "cairo" depends_on "pango" depends_on :x11 end needs :cxx11 fails_with :llvm do build 2206 cause "Executable 'tesseract' segfaults on 10.6 when compiled with llvm-gcc" end resource "tessdata" do url "" sha256 "5dcb37198336b6953843b461ee535df1401b41008d550fc9e43d0edabca7adb1" end resource "eng" do url "" sha256 "c0515c9f1e0c79e1069fcc05c2b2f6a6841fb5e1082d695db160333c1154f06d" end resource "osd" do url "" sha256 "9cf5d576fcc47564f11265841e5ca839001e7e6f38ff7f7aacf46d15a96b00ff" end resource "snum" do url "" sha256 "36f772980ff17c66a767f584a0d80bf2302a1afa585c01a226c1863afcea1392" end def install if build.head? # ld: symbol(s) not found for _clSetKernelArg and other symbols # Regression caused by # Reported 13 Sep 2016 inreplace "api/", "$(GENERIC_LIBRARY_VERSION) -no-undefined", "$(GENERIC_LIBRARY_VERSION)" end if build.with? "training-tools" icu4c = Formula["icu4c"] ENV.append "CFLAGS", "-I#{icu4c.opt_include}" ENV.append "LDFLAGS", "-L#{icu4c.opt_lib}" end # explicitly state leptonica header location, as the makefile defaults to /usr/local/include, # which doesn't work for non-default homebrew location ENV["LIBLEPT_HEADERSDIR"] = HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"include" ENV.cxx11 # Fix broken pkg-config file # Can be removed with next version bump # inreplace "", "@OPENCL_LIB@", "@OPENCL_LDFLAGS@" if build.stable? system "./" if build.head? args = %W[ --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=#{prefix} ] args << "--enable-opencl" if build.with? "opencl" system "./configure", *args system "make", "install" if build.with? "serial-num-pack" resource("snum").stage { mv "snum.traineddata", share/"tessdata" } end if build.with? "training-tools" system "make", "training" system "make", "training-install" end if build.head? resource("tessdata-head").stage { mv Dir["*"], share/"tessdata" } elsif build.with? "all-languages" resource("tessdata").stage { mv Dir["*"], share/"tessdata" } else resource("eng").stage { mv "eng.traineddata", share/"tessdata" } resource("osd").stage { mv "osd.traineddata", share/"tessdata" } end end test do assert_match version.to_s, shell_output("#{bin}/tesseract -v 2>&1") end end