class Whois < Formula desc "Lookup tool for domain names and other internet resources" homepage "" url "" sha256 "c0594d3bc81c12958118ffa5c1bc04db105b853e7f748021588913c986fea5c0" head "" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "6b11300df43a0ffcdd705f467a3a17f00a921936bcf4d9a610976060b5066500" => :catalina sha256 "1190b96900204e813c798a51b0f853deef2fe951be3059197f1530d1b4144257" => :mojave sha256 "ead918beb7c56811254b47a608eb2ca353cc3b147227fe25859a08767b712857" => :high_sierra end depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "libidn2" def install ENV.append "LDFLAGS", "-L/usr/lib -liconv" system "make", "whois", "HAVE_ICONV=1" bin.install "whois" man1.install "whois.1" man5.install "whois.conf.5" end def caveats; <<~EOS Debian whois has been installed as `whois` and may shadow the system binary of the same name. EOS end test do system "#{bin}/whois", "" end end