class Pypy3 < Formula desc "Implementation of Python 3 in Python" homepage "" url "" sha256 "ed8005202b46d6fc6831df1d13a4613bc40084bfa42f275068edadf8954034a3" bottle do cellar :any rebuild 1 sha256 "a2da5d37954296140125b0d8b817c546375eeb074fe834bf3d1d933a74b369e0" => :mojave sha256 "25f4b9222205b8d951cf54c771e70b0959daefb55bbe84f0c0529251d1f0a3b0" => :high_sierra sha256 "2cb646b4b7bfb7b9c9f7381a376143d18e97eb570b2150bd7147b4cb06a5eacd" => :sierra end depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "pypy" => :build depends_on :arch => :x86_64 depends_on "gdbm" # pypy does not find system libffi, and its location cannot be given # as a build option depends_on "libffi" if DevelopmentTools.clang_build_version >= 1000 depends_on "openssl" depends_on "sqlite" depends_on "xz" # packaging depends on pyparsing resource "pyparsing" do url "" sha256 "0832bcf47acd283788593e7a0f542407bd9550a55a8a8435214a1960e04bcb04" end # packaging and setuptools depend on six resource "six" do url "" sha256 "70e8a77beed4562e7f14fe23a786b54f6296e34344c23bc42f07b15018ff98e9" end # setuptools depends on packaging resource "packaging" do url "" sha256 "f019b770dd64e585a99714f1fd5e01c7a8f11b45635aa953fd41c689a657375b" end # setuptools depends on appdirs resource "appdirs" do url "" sha256 "9e5896d1372858f8dd3344faf4e5014d21849c756c8d5701f78f8a103b372d92" end resource "setuptools" do url "" sha256 "bec7badf0f60e7fc8153fac47836edc41b74e5d541d7692e614e635720d6a7c7" end resource "pip" do url "" sha256 "f2bd08e0cd1b06e10218feaf6fef299f473ba706582eb3bd9d52203fdbd7ee68" end def install # Work around "dyld: Symbol not found: _utimensat" if MacOS.version == :sierra && MacOS::Xcode.installed? && MacOS::Xcode.version >= "9.0" ENV.delete("SDKROOT") end # This has been completely rewritten upstream in master so check with # the next release whether this can be removed or not. inreplace "pypy/tool/" do |s| s.gsub! "http://", "https://" s.gsub! "", "" s.gsub! "", "" s.gsub! "os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'pypy-archives')", "os.path.join('#{buildpath}', 'pypy-archives')" end # Having PYTHONPATH set can cause the build to fail if another # Python is present, e.g. a Homebrew-provided Python 2.x # See ENV["PYTHONPATH"] = "" ENV["PYPY_USESSION_DIR"] = buildpath python = Formula["pypy"].opt_bin/"pypy" cd "pypy/goal" do system python, buildpath/"rpython/bin/rpython", "-Ojit", "--shared", "--cc",, "--verbose", "--make-jobs", ENV.make_jobs, "" end libexec.mkpath cd "pypy/tool/release" do system python, "", "--archive-name", "pypy3", "--targetdir", "." system "tar", "-C", libexec.to_s, "--strip-components", "1", "-xf", "pypy3.tar.bz2" end (libexec/"lib").install libexec/"bin/libpypy3-c.dylib" => "libpypy3-c.dylib" MachO::Tools.change_install_name("#{libexec}/bin/pypy3", "@rpath/libpypy3-c.dylib", "#{libexec}/lib/libpypy3-c.dylib") MachO::Tools.change_dylib_id("#{libexec}/lib/libpypy3-c.dylib", "#{opt_libexec}/lib/libpypy3-c.dylib") (libexec/"lib-python").install "lib-python/3" libexec.install %w[include lib_pypy] # The PyPy binary install instructions suggest installing somewhere # (like /opt) and symlinking in binaries as needed. Specifically, # we want to avoid putting PyPy's Python.h somewhere that configure # scripts will find it. bin.install_symlink libexec/"bin/pypy3" bin.install_symlink libexec/"bin/pypy" => "pypy3.5" lib.install_symlink libexec/"lib/libpypy3-c.dylib" end def post_install # Precompile cffi extensions in lib_pypy # list from create_cffi_import_libraries in pypy/tool/release/ %w[_sqlite3 _curses syslog gdbm _tkinter].each do |module_name| quiet_system bin/"pypy3", "-c", "import #{module_name}" end # Post-install, fix up the site-packages and install-scripts folders # so that user-installed Python software survives minor updates, such # as going from 1.7.0 to 1.7.1. # Create a site-packages in the prefix. prefix_site_packages.mkpath # Symlink the prefix site-packages into the cellar. libexec.install_symlink prefix_site_packages # Tell distutils-based installers where to put scripts scripts_folder.mkpath (distutils+"distutils.cfg").atomic_write <<~EOS [install] install-scripts=#{scripts_folder} EOS %w[appdirs pyparsing six packaging setuptools pip].each do |pkg| resource(pkg).stage do system bin/"pypy3", "-s", "", "install", "--force", "--verbose" end end # Symlinks to easy_install_pypy3 and pip_pypy3 bin.install_symlink scripts_folder/"easy_install" => "easy_install_pypy3" bin.install_symlink scripts_folder/"pip" => "pip_pypy3" # post_install happens after linking %w[easy_install_pypy3 pip_pypy3].each { |e| (HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"bin").install_symlink bin/e } end def caveats; <<~EOS A "distutils.cfg" has been written to: #{distutils} specifying the install-scripts folder as: #{scripts_folder} If you install Python packages via "pypy3 install", easy_install_pypy3, or pip_pypy3, any provided scripts will go into the install-scripts folder above, so you may want to add it to your PATH *after* #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin so you don't overwrite tools from CPython. Setuptools and pip have been installed, so you can use easy_install_pypy3 and pip_pypy3. To update pip and setuptools between pypy3 releases, run: pip_pypy3 install --upgrade pip setuptools See: EOS end # The HOMEBREW_PREFIX location of site-packages def prefix_site_packages HOMEBREW_PREFIX+"lib/pypy3/site-packages" end # Where setuptools will install executable scripts def scripts_folder HOMEBREW_PREFIX+"share/pypy3" end # The Cellar location of distutils def distutils libexec+"lib-python/3/distutils" end test do system bin/"pypy3", "-c", "print('Hello, world!')" system scripts_folder/"pip", "list" end end