class HardlinkOsx < Formula desc "Command-line utility that implements hardlinks on OS X" homepage "" url "" sha256 "5876554e6dafb6627a94670ac33e750a7efeb3a5fbde5ede3e145cdb5131d1ba" bottle do cellar :any sha1 "b8e5b31796d36c818c302bddbd45f227dc943a13" => :yosemite sha1 "d61a54cff4e7ff52a0fc3131188d6adecf5ad35a" => :mavericks sha1 "15910f042ea3aac09d8a2e94c783ec30e47e1f3a" => :mountain_lion end def install system "make" bin.mkdir system "make", "install", "PREFIX=#{prefix}" end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent Hardlinks can not be created under the same directory root. If you try to `hln source directory` to target directory under the same root you will get an error! Also, remember the binary is named `hln` due to a naming conflict. EOS end test do mkdir_p "test1/inner" touch "test1/inner/file" mkdir "otherdir" system "#{bin}/hln", "test1", "otherdir/test2" assert "otherdir/test2" assert "otherdir/test2/inner" assert File.file? "otherdir/test2/inner/file" end end