class Qrupdate < Formula desc "Fast updates of QR and Cholesky decompositions" homepage "" url "" sha256 "e2a1c711dc8ebc418e21195833814cb2f84b878b90a2774365f0166402308e08" revision 11 bottle do cellar :any sha256 "e275c1facc9afebb6884c4dff4fce18c2ddd7be138502971fcfcf81ab36caab2" => :catalina sha256 "e509deee8107d09eaff0e02cbe38bbe27abfb5bed32b3766be83207fccc00320" => :mojave sha256 "743423a355fe7fcd2e43f3056829227d3d957f717b08d956d9cee1902bbbaafc" => :high_sierra sha256 "835f8dbf0f30b16079b35eba39ad788dfdb3834bf6ab9acdcc8d2083f9199b5c" => :sierra end depends_on "gcc" # for gfortran depends_on "openblas" def install # Parallel compilation not supported. Reported on 2017-07-21 at # ENV.deparallelize system "make", "lib", "solib", "BLAS=-L#{Formula["openblas"].opt_lib} -lopenblas" # Confuses "make install" on case-insensitive filesystems rm "INSTALL" # BSD "install" does not understand GNU -D flag. # Create the parent directory ourselves. inreplace "src/Makefile", "install -D", "install" lib.mkpath system "make", "install", "PREFIX=#{prefix}" pkgshare.install "test/tch1dn.f", "test/utils.f" end test do system "gfortran", "-o", "test", pkgshare/"tch1dn.f", pkgshare/"utils.f", "-L#{lib}", "-lqrupdate", "-L#{Formula["openblas"].opt_lib}", "-lopenblas" assert_match "PASSED 4 FAILED 0", shell_output("./test") end end